Force of Will TCG Wiki
Heroic Spirit
Memoria of the Seven Lands
Released In: Battle for Attoractia
Category for Heroic Spirit.

Heroic Spirit is a race in the Force of Will trading card game.


Heroic Spirits are spirits of heroes who achieved great deeds in life, having become objects of worship after their deaths.

List of Heroic Spirit Rulers/J-Rulers[]

LFWaWiD Memoria of the Seven Lands (Ruler)
Wi Arla, Guardian of the Skies (J-Ruler)
L Faria, Chosen Girl (J-Ruler)
Wa Machina, Clever Researcher (J-Ruler)
F Melgis, Conqueror of Flame (J-Ruler)
D Rezzard, Dark Necromancer (J-Ruler)

List of Hero Spirit Resonators[]

Void Mariabella, the True Shot


There are currently no cards that support Heroic Spirits
